

Sweep when needed.

Natural stone responds well to low pressure water blasting. A solution of mild detergent and water can be applied prior to pressure cleaning.

Wipe spills immediately.

Spills should be wiped up immediately to avoid absorbing into the stone. For a more thorough clean we would recommend DryTreat Alkaline Cleaner (formerly Oxy-Klenza).  Click here for the spec sheet – DryTreat Alkaline Cleaner Spec Sheet.


Do not use acid for clean up.

This can cause oxidation and etching in your natural stone. Oxidation is when the iron content within the stone reacts and causes rust to come to the surface of the stone.


Efflorescence is a white powder that may appear on the surface of the stone.

Efflorescence is caused by water carrying mineral salts from below the surface of the stone rising through the stone and evaporating. When the water evaporates, it leaves the powdery substance. If the installation is new, dust mop or vacuum the powder. You may have to do this several times as the stone dries out.

Do not use water to remove the powder; it will only temporarily disappear.

If the problem persists, contact your installer to help identify and remove the cause of the moisture.

DryTreat Acidic Cleaner (formerly Hanafinn Eff-Erayza) can be used to remove Efflorescence on non-acid sensitive stones such as Granite & Basalt/Bluestone.  It is not recommended for Travertine. 

Click here for the spec sheet – DryTreat Acidic Cleaner Spec Sheet.  We highly recommend sealing the stone prior to installation to avoid moisture build up and to prevent Efflorescence. 

See our Sealing section for more info. 

Rust in Bluestone/Basalt

Sometimes iron particles within Bluestone can come to the surface causing brown patches.

This usually occurs along the grout lines and we call these rust stains. To remove, we recommend using DryTreat Acidic Cleaner.

Please note, we are not a stockist of DryTreat, we purchase it on behalf of our customers and hold some products in stock.  To order direct, please contact Lustre.